No Lukewarm Love

I am not a lukewarm love

Found in riddles or sideways glances.

No games will I play with a heart

So treasured as yours.


There are no butterflies in my stomach

because there is no question mark in my heart.

I am a declaration as I weave my fingers through yours

and lay my head on your shoulder.


I fall asleep to the sound of your voice

Telling me stories I’ve heard before

My body arched around yours

our breathing synced.


Our lives together are full

full of God and joy, laughter and fun

and yes… pain and tears

A lifetime full of firsts and lasts.


Until it’s just me

Saying my last goodbye to you.

And there’s no more stories at night.

Just quiet and the memories of a love that was never lukewarm

to keep my heart warm at night.


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